Internal Transfer and Reassignment

PROMOTION TO A HIGHER GRADE: An employee may be promoted (a) to a higher grade or (b) have the position reclassified to a higher grade with the approval of the College President. The salary for an administrative to administrative promotion/reclassification will result in the employee retaining their current step level. The salary for an at-will or classified to classified promotion/reclassification will result in the employee retaining their current step level/years of service. The salary for an at-will or classified to an administrative promotion/reclassification will result in the employee retaining their current step level/years of service up to five (5) steps or one-half (1/2) of current steps whichever is greater.

DEMOTION TO A POSITION WITH LOWER PAY: When a VC employee receives an appointment which carries a lower position grade, the person must take the salary of the new position or current salary minus difference in entry-level of current position and entry-level of new position.

TEMPORARY TO PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT: An employee whose employment status changes from a temporary appointment to a permanent appointment shall at that time be eligible for all benefits granted by the college. Seniority and accrual of vacation and sick leave shall begin on the date of the permanent appointment.

POSITION TRANSFER: An employee may be transferred from one position to another within the College with the approval of the College President.