Work Policy During Inclement Weather
Employees are expected to follow the same protocol as prescribed for students at each location. If the weather is such that it is in the employee’s best interest not to report to work, the employee should inform their supervisor as soon as possible and/or leave a message on their supervisor’s voice mail. In order to provide consistency throughout the College and to be fair to all employees, an individual who is unable to report to work must claim this as a vacation or personal leave day. College Vice-Presidents/Deans will request that the employees they are supervising turn in the appropriate leave form.
If the President or his designee decides that the college should close due to inclement weather, employees are not required to submit leave.
Note: This procedure is currently in effect. Only the President of the College is authorized to make any changes/modifications. If any changes are made, this information will be adequately distributed to all VC employees.