Employee Performance Evaluation

Employee evaluations are required annually for every full-time employee of Vernon College by the end of the month of February. Individual supervisors may choose to do a counseling session at any time throughout the year to discuss any given employment/performance problem. Such counseling sessions will be documented with a follow up reevaluation date stated (documentation will be written and filed in the personnel file, if appropriate, the Vernon College Corrective Action Report can be used, see Appendix Q). The purpose of the employee evaluation is to constructively appraise employee job performance, encourage professional growth, provide a professional and objective basis for recommending continuing employment for each employee, and provide a means by which the employee is informed of how their work is perceived by the supervisor. Completed evaluations are forwarded to the Director of Human Resources for placement in the employee personnel files. See Policy Manual, DLA (LOCAL)

EVALUATION OF NON-TEACHING EMPLOYEES: The Director of Human Resources will coordinate this evaluation process. Completed evaluations are forwarded to the Director of Human Resources for placement in employee personnel files. The evaluation will also be administered in February.

EVALUATION OF NEW NON-TEACHING EMPLOYEES: New non-teaching employees will receive evaluations at three months and six months their first year of employment during their probationary period.


Poor Performance

Below Average Performance

Average Performance

Above Average Performance

Superior Performance

RELATIONSHIP OF RATINGS TO CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: At will employees use the system located in the handbook. The remaining employees use the Professional Improvement and Review document. On this form, supervisors provide a qualitative evaluation of the employees and denote accomplishments, deficiencies, and actions for improvement. Any rating lower than “Average or meets standards” warrants immediate developmental action on the part of the employee. 

The Vernon College Corrective Action Report is to be used to document this developmental action. See Appendix Q. This developmental action is taken during a probationary period established by the supervisor. At the end of the probationary period, a re-evaluation process of the employee takes place. If improvement is apparent, continued employment is recommended. Otherwise, termination would be in order.

APPEAL: If an employee disagrees with the supervisor’s evaluation, he/she may appeal to the next level of supervision. The rating in question will be reviewed by the next level supervisor. The next level supervisor will either uphold or amend the employee rating after consideration and consultation with the employee’s immediate supervisor. All ratings will become final after a decision has been made by the next level supervisor.