Non-school Employment
Full-time employment at Vernon College demands an individual’s full-time expertise, commitment, and energies. However, Vernon College recognizes the value to its students, it employees, and the community arising from outside consulting, professional experiences, part-time employment, and/or self-employment in which members of the faculty, administrative staff, and classified staff may engage.
Additional employment for full-time employees shall be governed by the following guidelines.
In advance of accepting or assuming employment outside Vernon College responsibilities, a full-time District employee must submit a request to his or her immediate supervisor, the component VP/Dean, Director of Human Resources, and the President. The request can be on the Non-school Employment Notice located on the Vernon College website under Human Resource Forms or via e-mail addressing in detail the following information:
- Type of employment;
- Place of employment;
- Dates, days, and hours involved; and
- Assurance that outside employment will not:
- Occur at a time when the employee is expected to perform his or her primary work obligation at the College District;
- Diminish the employee’s efficiency or effectiveness in performing his or her primary work obligations at the College District;
- Conflict with the mission or best interest of the College District;
- Utilize any College District facilities, resources, property, equipment, or employee or be performed on College District property; or
- Violate applicable laws and regulations.
The immediate supervisor and the component VP/Dean will confer and approve or disapprove of the request. If approved, the component VP/Dean will notify Human Resources by e-mail of the approval attaching the original request. The component VP/Dean will make the College President aware of the approval.
In the event an employee receives denial from the supervisor or component VP/Dean, the employee may request a review by the College President.
A full-time employee may accept employment outside of the College District’s assigned duties so long as such employment does not reduce the efficiency of the employee. The immediate supervisor shall determine whether such work is detracting from the efficiency of the individual employee.
The following examples, listed for illustration and not as limits, are situations that shall be considered as detracting from the efficiency of the individual:
- Any outside employment that results in an employee’s repeated absence from work.
- Any outside employment that adversely affects an employee’s physical or mental well-being.
- Any outside employment that interferes with an employee’s duties during regular work hours.
- Any outside employment that causes an employee to be unprepared for duties with the College District.
- Any outside employment that involves the use of College District materials or resources.
- Any outside employment that conflicts with the institutional and student needs as teaching schedules/work schedules are developed.
Employees shall use College District resources only to support educational objectives of the College District. An Employee shall not use the College District facilities, administrative assistants, office supplies, equipment, technology, or other resources for personal gain or outside employment. Limited use of office computers and/or internet is exempted.
Any employee who operates an independent business is expected to conduct any work relating to such business or employment outside of the employee’s normal work hours established by the College. An employee shall not promote, solicit, or engage in non-College related for-profit business activities on College campus. (ex. selling food, crafts, clothing, personal care products, etc.)
An employee who does not comply with the provisions of this policy, including the requirement to disclose the nature and scope of any outside employment, may be subject to review, probation, suspension, and/or termination.
See Policy Manual, DBF (LOCAL)