Intellectual Property Policy

Vernon College encourages its personnel to contribute to the advancement of knowledge by publishing and copyrighting, inventing and patenting materials and objects of their own creation. Faculty and staff, however, are not to allow their writing or inventing to interfere with their regular assigned duties unless prior arrangements are made. It is the desire of the College to protect the interest of its personnel in relation to disclosure of scientific and technological developments, including but not limited to inventions, discoveries, trade secrets, computer software and any original ideas and works which may have monetary value. It is also important that public funds and property not be used for personal gain. The College shall assume the responsibility for ensuring that public funds and facilities, equipment, and other public properties for which it assumes stewardship are not utilized for personal profit or gain. The author, creator, or inventor may receive benefits from publications and inventions according to the guidelines and conditions in this policy. Intellectual property shall be owned entirely by the employee if such material is conceived and developed independent of time, facilities, property, and resources belonging to the College.

The College, in return for unrestricted rights to use and reproduce original materials that have been created at college expense or on college time or through use of college-owned equipment shall grant full ownership to the developer in accordance with the following conditions:

  1. In the event the developer wishes to obtain property rights to material developed on behalf of the College, he/she may do so by reimbursing the College for the complete cost of all developmental expenditures incurred by the College. Such costs would include stipends paid to the developer (beyond contracted salary), prorated salaries of support staff, supplies, and other related expenses that the College may have incurred in support of the creation of the material or object.
  2. After the College has recovered the expenditures incurred in the development and support, all further remuneration will go to the developer of the materials or objects.

The College shall ensure equity and management participation on the part of the inventor in business entities that utilize technology created at the College.

No college employee shall realize a profit from intellectual materials and endorsements sold exclusively to Vernon College students. However, an employee, upon approval of the College President, may assign such profit to a college scholarship or other entity of the College.

Instructional materials developed by College employees shall be approved by the Vice-President of Instructional Services after consultation with the President’s Council.

Disclosure of intent to publish or invent shall be made in writing to the Vice-President of Instructional Services prior to beginning the work. The disclosure should stipulate any anticipated use of College funds, time, equipment, materials or facilities to create objects, materials, or information so that a written agreement may be executed.

The disclosure shall be reviewed by the Vice-President of Instructional Services who shall respond in writing as to the intentions of the College within ten working days of the disclosure. The College requires that disclosure statements be updated periodically, and that the inventor periodically report in writing to the Vice-President of Instructional Services concerning the status of the project. The College President shall have authority for final review and approval of the project and subsequent licensing.

The College shall take action toward establishing ownership and securing legal protection. However, the College assumes no financial responsibility in securing patents and/or copyrights.

The College will maintain control over research, materials, and intellectual properties when funds from outside agencies are involved, even when agencies attach their own regulations.