Policy on Comfort and Therapy Animals
Vernon College recognizes the rights of Vernon College Housing residents to have Comfort Animals or Therapy Animals. Comfort and Therapy Animals may also be called Emotional Support Animals. This is different from Service Animals, which are registered with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). Service Animals registered with Vernon College OSD are allowed access to all areas of Vernon College. Comfort or Therapy Animals are only permitted in Vernon College housing, not in classrooms, administrative buildings, dining halls, housing common areas, or gyms and athletic fields.
No animal will be permitted in Vernon College Housing that:
- Does not have prior approval by the Vernon College OSD Office, the Dean of Student Services and Vernon College Housing Office
- Poses a direct threat to the health and safety of other students or staff
- Would cause substantial physical damage to Vernon College facilities or other residents
- Would fundamentally alter the nature of Vernon College Housing operations
- Is defined as “dangerous wild animals” in the Texas Health and Safety Code 822.101 (big cats, apes, bears, hybrids of these animals), primates, high rabies risk animals (bats, fox, raccoon, coyote), venomous animals, or domestic animals with an unknown health history are not allowed
The Vice President of Student Services, Dean of Student Services, OSD Coordinator, and the Housing Director will make the final determination for on-campus residents requesting a waiver of the “no pets” policy so that they may have a Comfort or Therapy Animal. A decision about if a particular accommodation is reasonable is a fact intensive, case-specific determination.
To request to have a Comfort or Therapy Animal in Vernon College Housing the student must submit the following to the Office for Students with Disabilities:
- Complete a Disability Services intake form
- Provide a Comfort or Therapy Animal Request letter completed by a licensed mental health professional (therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist – not a family doctor) on his/her letterhead that states the student is under his/her care, is emotionally or psychiatrically disabled, and prescribes a Comfort or Therapy Animal for the specific student
- Provide documentation from a licensed veterinarian that the animal is inoculated and free from diseases. The paperwork must also show that all shots are updated and in compliance with Wilbarger County and the City of Vernon requirements
Once a Comfort or Therapy Animal is approved the student will be required to complete animal registration paperwork with the Vernon College Housing Office and sign an acknowledgement of Comfort and Therapy Animal Housing Policies.
Residents with approved Comfort or Therapy Animals will not automatically be assigned a private room. Efforts will be made to match students with Comfort or Therapy Animals to potential roommates to whom contact has been made to prevent possible incompatibilities such as allergies or other concerns. If a private room is requested, and available, approved standard private room rates will apply. A specific exercise location for the Comfort or Therapy Animal is the responsibility of the student. Comfort or Therapy Animals may not be fed food or scraps from on campus dining.
In addition to complying with ADA guidelines, Vernon College Housing policies, and community standards residents with Comfort or Service Animals must meet the following expectations:
- Animals must be on a leash, in a carrier, in a cage or otherwise restrained when not in the residents room
- Animals must receive daily care (food, water and attention) from the resident
- Animals must be kept clean, their waste disposed of properly in the residence hall and from any outside campus area when walking the animal, and any problems with fleas or ticks promptly eliminated
- Animals must not bite or make excessive noise – barking, growling, screeching howling, crying, etc…
- Residents will be responsible for any damages caused by the animal
- Repeated complaints by students or staff about an animal’s hygiene or behavior without prompt resolution may result in removal of the animal
- If the animal poses an immediate threat to other Vernon College students or Vernon College staff Wilbarger County Animal Services may be contacted to remove the animal immediately
- All liability for the actions of the animal is the sole responsibility of the owner
- The owner of the animal must notify Vernon College Housing staff immediately if the animal escapes or is lost
- Students are not allowed to leave the Comfort or Therapy Animal unattended overnight at any time. If a student will be gone from Vernon College Housing overnight the Comfort or Therapy Animal must be removed from Vernon College Housing to either be with the student or be in proper boarding
Any violations of the above policy can result in immediate removal of the animal and permanent revocation of the Comfort or Therapy Animal privileges for the student.
Checkout expectations of students with Comfort or Therapy Animals are:
- Checkout must be scheduled by appointment with the Director of Housing
- The room must be completely clear of animal hair
- The room must be cleaned sufficiently to eliminate any animal odor or waste odor
- Residents will be charged upon checkout if any additional cleaning, deodorizing, or disinfecting is required to remove animal hair, dander, waste or odor