Missing Persons Policy and Procedures

A person residing on the Vernon Campus student residence halls is required to list a confidential name on the emergency contact information form to be notified in the event they are reported missing. When a missing person report is made regarding a student residing in Vernon College Housing, the following protocol will be enacted. If the notification is made to the Office of Housing, the Director of Housing should be immediately notified to assess the situation.

Assessing the Situation: (Director of Housing)

  1. Search room and building for individual. If not located, proceed to step B.
  2. What are the circumstances that lead one to report a person missing?
  3. What was the emotional state of the missing individual?
  4. What are the missing person’s normal habits?
  5. How long has the individual been missing?
    1. Last time the person was seen?
    2. Who were they with at the time?
    3. Last known destination?
    4. What type of transportation did he/she have?
  6. Description of missing individual.
    1. Age and build.
    2. Clothes they were wearing when last seen.
    3. Facial hair, glasses, color and length of hair, etc.
    4. Other unusual or identifying characteristics, e.g., braces, scars, etc.

Actions to be Taken:

Director of Housing will:

  1. Notify the Vice President of Student Services and/or the Dean of Student Services.
  2. Notify missing person contact information listed on the housing application.