Directory Information
Directory information is information that may be released to the general public without the written consent of the student. A student may request that all or any part of the directory information be withheld from the public by making a written request to the Admissions and Records office during the first 12 class days of a fall or spring semester or the first four class days of a five and one-half week summer semester. This request will apply only to the current enrollment period; therefore, the student must file a written request for each subsequent enrollment. The following is to be included as directory information: name, date and place of birth, current and permanent address (including e-mail address), telephone listing, major and minor fields of study, enrollment status (full-time, part-time), classification, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, all previous educational agencies or institutions attended, and photographs.