Library Services
Library services:
The library provides the resources and services needed to support Vernon College instructional programs and disciplines. Services include the following:
- Reference Services: Reference services include bibliographic information, a library instructional program, and library assistance offered online via email or live chat.
- Reserves: At the request of faculty, the library will circulate articles, books, or other instructional materials in-house for a length of time specified by the instructor.
- Library Catalog: The online catalog may be searched for print and electronic books maintained by the Vernon College Library System. Print collections are housed in Vernon, Century City Center, Skills Training Center, and the Seymour Learning Center. E-books may be checked-out and downloaded to an iPad or other device.
- Off-Campus Access to Databases: The library provides off-campus access to a quality collection of full-text databases supporting all subject areas. Databases offer full-text access to scholarly journals, career resources, newspapers, and reference materials. An ID number and PIN are required for accessing databases remotely. Faculty and staff may contact the library staff for assistance in establishing a library account.
- Interlibrary Loan: The Library maintains an efficient document delivery system giving faculty and staff the option to request books or articles located outside the VC library system. Requests may be submitted in person or filed electronically via the Interlibrary Loan form accessible from the library home page.
- Collection Development: The library invites suggestions/recommendations for the acquisition of library materials. Recommendations for the purchase of library materials may be submitted online via a link posted on the library homepage.
- TexShare Cards: A TexShare Card entitles cardholders to full borrowing privileges and services offered by participating public and academic libraries throughout Texas including the Moffett Library at MSU.
Other procedures include the evaluation of library services and attention to copyright issues. Users are directed to the Faculty and Staff Handbook to Library Services for additional information. See Policy Manual, EDAA (LEGAL), EDAA (LOCAL)