Course Syllabi and Outlines

All faculty members teaching the same course within a program or discipline will use the approved syllabus for that course. The program or discipline head, in collaboration with other faculty members teaching the same course, is responsible for syllabus preparation and revision.

Each syllabus for a course will include information on the catalog description, course prerequisites, textbook(s) and other reference materials, methods of instruction (including a statement on special accommodations), course content, learner outcomes, and general assessment procedures.

An up-to-date syllabus for each course taught shall be made available on the college website. Division chairs and faculty members will annually review syllabi in the program and/or discipline to ensure that instructional techniques and policies of the courses are consistent with the purpose of the institution and the courses’ stated outcomes and to determine whether methods of instruction are appropriate for the courses.

Course outlines, customized to fit the needs of the individual instructor, must follow VC official format. They should include course prefix and number, section number, and title; prerequisites; semester; instructor’s name, office number, office hours, and telephone number; textbooks; course content; attendance requirements; grading procedures; and make-up examination procedures. All students should be given a copy of the course syllabus and course outline on the first day of class, and placed on the LMS course page. See Policy Manual, EE (LOCAL)