Responsibility for Software Licenses
Personal computers are used extensively at Vernon College. For any software not installed by the RBS department, VC employees must possess valid licenses for all software installed on their assigned computers. It is the responsibility of each employee to be able to furnish proof of licenses for installed software on the computer he or she uses. If a computer has no assigned user, the supervisor for the area is responsible for furnishing proof of licenses. Each employee is responsible for understanding and following the terms of the license.
If an employee installs software covered by a site license, he or she must notify RBS and provide all requested information.
Software owned by Vernon College may only be installed on computers owned by Vernon College unless home use is specifically permitted in the license. In rare cases, exceptions to this policy may be granted by the appropriate VP/Dean or by RBS, provided appropriate licenses exist and are documented.
If permitted by the software license, employees may copy software for archival purposes only. Employees may not distribute any college-owned software to students, public, or other faculty/staff members. If multiple licenses for a product are purchased, the person who ordered the software must document where the software is installed and provide copies of the license and purchase order to other offices installing software under the license. Originals and archival copies of software must be kept in a secure area.