Faculty Office Hours

Student access to faculty members is assured through the procedures listed below:

1. Full-time faculty members are required to be on campus a minimum of ten hours per week for student conference periods in addition to teaching their scheduled classes and performing their assigned committee/taskforce and division/department/program responsibilities. At least two hours of conference time shall be scheduled each day (Monday through Friday) for a total of ten hours per week. Conference hours will be determined by semester teaching assignments and should be scheduled to maximize accessibility for students, allow time for lesson planning, grading, and other student-centered activities. Additionally, outside of scheduled instruction, full-time faculty should be available on Fridays from 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. for scheduled departmental, division, committee and/or task force meetings. 

Faculty unable to meet the two hours of office time per day due to the class schedules may increase office hours during other weekdays in order to meet the ten-hours-per-week obligation. Faculty office hours will be posted on faculty doors each semester. Deviation from posted office hours must be approved by the Division Chair/Director who will  recommend the request to the Vice-President of Instruction for final approval.

Faculty, with direct student contact in a clinical area, will be exempt from office hours for that particular clinical day and will not be expected to make the hours up later in the work week. The clinical day must be six hours or greater to be excluded from office hours. (Ex. Nursing’s 6, 8, and 12 hours clinical.)

Nine-month faculty teaching in the summer will post at least 1 office hour each day class is in session. Internet faculty need to be available to the students through face to face appointments, email, and/or video conferencing.

2. Adjunct faculty should be available to their students before and after class or by appointment.

3 .Both full-and part-time faculty members are expected to be available for student conferences requested outside of office hours. Conferences may be scheduled through the faculty assistant, Division Chair, or Vice-President of Instructional Services. See Policy Manual, DJ (LOCAL)