Evaluation of Faculty (Students and Supervisors)

The purpose of faculty evaluation is to provide faculty members and division chairs/supervisors with an opportunity to work together to improve the quality of instruction and the educational programs at Vernon College. The Professional Improvement and Review  is utilized for all full-time faculty while the Supervisor’s Evaluation of Adjunct Instructor is utilized for part-time/adjunct faculty. These instruments (Appendix H), along with the Student Course Evaluation (Appendix G), play a predominant role during the evaluation process for all full-time and part-time instructors. Supporting documents (professional development activities, program/discipline evaluations, planning and evaluation outcomes, annual loads, and graduation and placement rates) are taken into consideration by the Division Chair/supervisor during the evaluation process. All full-time  faculty, will be evaluated on an annual basis by his/her Division Chair, Director, or Coordinator  and all evaluations will be reviewed by the Vice-President of Instructional Services. Adjunct faculty, by virtue of their non-contractual status, are appointed on a semester basis and all adjunct faculty will be evaluated on a regular basis with formal evaluations submitted by the supervising Division Chair, or Coordinator at least every three (3) years.

Student Course Evaluations will be administered for each class, each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer). This process includes classes taught by all full-time and adjunct faculty. Adjunct faculty includes instructors teaching at remote sites in support of the dual credit program. This process ensures that every student has an opportunity to evaluate and make suggestions on each course in which they are enrolled.

Supervisors will evaluate faculty members based on the annual faculty evaluation schedule developed by the Vice-President of Instructional Services. The Division Chair/supervisor will schedule a conference with the instructor in order to complete the evaluation. The evaluator will review the following materials before the evaluation session: Student course evaluations, instructor’s Professional Improvement and Review, professional development activities, program discipline evaluation, enrollments, and graduation and placement rates, where applicable. If the evaluator believes that a classroom observation is necessary, he/she may conduct it at any time without prior notification to the faculty member. Following completion of the evaluator/instructor conference, the evaluator will provide a copy of the evaluation to the instructor and forward the original to the Vice-President of Instructional Services for review. Once approved by the Vice-President, the evaluation will be forwarded to the Human Resources office.