Vernon College Professional Improvement and Review

Academic Year ________

Faculty member Reviewer
Name:   Name:   
Title:   Title: Division Chair:


    Date of Review:  

(Double left click the mouse on each blank line above to type in information)


  1. The Faculty member completes each area in Section I of the Professional Review Form utilizing their present job description as a guide and electronically forwards the completed document to their Division Chair (reviewer) with the job description attached.
  2. The Division Chair reviews the document and completes Section II.
  3. The Faculty member and the Division Chair meet to review the document and discuss the personal assessment, the reviewer assessment, goals, actions, and improvement goals.
  4. The Faculty member and the Division Chair complete and sign off in Section III.
  5. The Division Chair then forwards the document to the Vice-President of Instructional Services, who, after reviewing, will sign and forward on to the Director of Human Resources for inclusion in the Faculty member’s personnel file.

Section I: Faculty member Assessment (Completed by the Faculty member)

  1. Job Description Review—Specify suggested additions, deletions, or revisions to the job description for Division Chair review. If no changes necessary, circle N/A.

    **The current job description will be utilized for this cycle.

  2. Provide specific comments to each of the following as your personal assessment of your work for this review year.

    1. State position related significant accomplishments for evaluation period.

    2. Challenges to work on improvement during the upcoming year to enhance your area or professional abilities.

  3. Goals agreed to last year and actions taken.

    **N/A for this first cycle

  4. Goals for upcoming year which relate to the Vernon College Priority Initiatives.
    1. Position specific goals

    2. Professional development goals

  5. Faculty Only: Specific faculty comments in regard to student evaluations of instruction (SIR II results).

  6. In the big picture for Vernon College, outside of your specific area of responsibility, what are some specific things you would like to see accomplished in the future?

  7. What can I do, as Division Chair, to better help you and to strengthen our division?

Section II: Reviewers Assessment (Completed by the Division Chair)

  1. Position Description—Rationale for additions, deletions, or revisions to position description (if no change, write no change).

  2. Position Description—Division Chair comments on individual effectiveness on fulfilling position specific responsibilities.

    The current Administrative Evaluation Form will be utilized for this cycle.

  3. Improvement suggestions/goals—State any improvement suggestions and specific goals for improvement discussed with the Faculty member including appropriate timeline for the goals to be met.

  4. Faculty Only: Specific Division Chair comments in regard to student evaluation of instruction, classroom observations, peer evaluations, and instructor performance review. Attach appropriate documentation.

Section III

I, the Division Chair, have reviewed this evaluation/professional review with the Faculty member. The goals developed will be a basis for the next annual evaluation/professional review.

Signature – Division Chair Date

I, the Faculty member, have reviewed this evaluation/professional review with my Division Chair. I___agree or _____do not agree with this evaluation/professional review. I understand that my job description and new goals identified will be the basis for my next evaluation/professional review. (Additional documentation should be added to clarify if the Faculty member disagrees with the evaluation/professional review.)

Signature – Faculty member Date
Signature - Vice-President of Instructional Services Date