
Filing a Complaint - complaint may be filed by any person, or the process may be initiated by any person having knowledge of or a reasonable suspicion of inappropriate behavior. Students can also go through Student Services as outlined in the Student Handbook.

VC provides its employees/students with a convenient and reliable method for reporting incidents of harassment, including sexual harassment, or sexual violence.

Anyone who feels they have been or are being harassed, discriminated against, or victimized is encouraged to report the conduct to his/her immediate supervisor, manager or director. If preferable, the employee may bypass those persons and go directly to the Director of Human Resources, ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator, or the Vice-President of Student Services. In selecting whether to report the conduct to College District officials listed above, employees may consider reporting such conduct to the person with whom they feel most comfortable discussing the facts. A report to a co-worker or other employee not listed in this policy may not be sufficient to notify management or administration. Moreover, a report to any employee not listed in this policy may compromise any attempted confidentiality. The report should include all facts available to the employee regarding the incident.

All reports will be treated seriously and as confidentially as circumstances allow. However, absolute confidentiality is not promised nor can it be assured. VC will conduct an investigation of any complaint, and such investigation generally will require limited disclosure of pertinent information to certain parties, including the accused.

Investigation of Complaints

Once a complaint is received, Vernon College will begin a prompt and thorough investigation. The investigation may include interviews with all involved parties, including the accused and any party who is aware of facts or incidents alleged to have occurred.

A separate, confidential file on the investigation will be maintained by Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator, with limited access. While investigative materials will not be placed in any employee’s personnel file, any documentation regarding disciplinary action will.

Determination/Conclusion of Investigation

Once the investigation is completed, a determination will be made regarding the validity of the allegations. Prompt remedial action will be taken when necessary. This may include some or all of the following steps:

  • Restore any lost terms, conditions or benefits of employment of the complaining employee.
  • Discipline which can include disciplinary measures from verbal and written warnings up to probation, suspension and/or termination.

If the accused is a vendor or customer, VC will take appropriate action to correct the complained-of conduct.

Protecting Both Parties

After the investigation, the accuser/accused will be informed promptly about the outcome of the proceedings.

Supervisors of the parties directly involved may or may not be informed, based upon a “need to know.”