Accommodations for College Events

Individuals who need accommodations for events required by an instructor or offered by the college must contact the Vernon College Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) at least five (5) working days prior to the event or activity. The student may send this request to or or may fax the request to (940) 552-6387. The student may call (940) 552-6291, extensions 2307 or 2308, or the student may send the request through the US mail to the following address:

Vernon College

PASS Department Director /Office for Students with Disabilities Coordinator

4400 College Drive

Vernon, Texas 76384

NOTE: Requests through the mail must be postmarked at least seven (7) days prior to the event in order to reach OSD at least 5 days beforehand. Students should include their name, the name, time, and location of the event (including room number, if applicable), the name of their instructor, and the type of accommodation requested. Accommodations may not be available if the request is not received at least five working days prior to the event.