Students with Disabilities and Attendance Issues Policy
Faculty determines class attendance policy at Vernon College. Depending on the level and nature of each class, attendance may be considered essential to the pedagogic process and is required by the instructor or department. Faculty also determines policies regarding make-up work and missed exams or quizzes.
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) can verify to faculty the presence of a disease or disability which has the potential to affect attendance. Verification is based upon written medical documentation from a qualified professional. Such verification is included on the Accommodations Request Letter. Students should initiate a discussion with instructors regarding their particular circumstances and the possible impact upon class attendance and participation. Students and instructors should discuss classroom attendance policy, procedures for notifying instructors about absences, and make-up policies. This interaction allows students and instructors to determine how the students’ academic progress may be affected by absences within a particular course or program.
Students are responsible for reporting absences directly to their instructors in accordance with the instructors’ attendance policies except in the event of an illness which is so severe that it results in the student being unable to do so. In that event, the student or student’s representative may contact the Office for Students with Disabilities to request assistance in notifying instructors. The OSD may require verification of the illness or emergency event.
Please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities if you have additional questions. Physical Location: Wright Library, Room 217 on the Vernon Campus
Phone: (940) 552-6291, ext. 2307 or 2308
Fax: (940) 552-6387