Travel Authorization
The college provides multi-purpose vehicles for routine and professional travel. Vehicles must be checked out in the Business office areas. Appropriate travel forms must be completed and approved before any travel will be reimbursed by the college. Budgeted funds must be available before travel expenditures will be reimbursed. Travel is defined as routine or professional development travel.
Routine travel is defined as travel from one’s primary workplace to a destination and back in the same day. Routine Travel Report Form typically reimburses an employee for mileage, if travel in his/her own vehicle.
A Routine Travel Report Form must be completed monthly or sooner, submitted via Colleague Procurement, and approved by the appropriate Vice-President or President. The Vernon College Travel Request & Report Form and travel packet will be available the day of travel in the Business office. Upon returning from the routine travel the employee must return the travel form packet and gasoline credit cards, if applicable, to the Business office. If a college vehicle is utilized, the gas tank must be filled and any trash or personal property must be removed before returning the keys to the Business office. Professional development travel and other overnight travel require approval prior to the travel taking place. These types of travel may require completion of a Travel Request Form properly signed by the Division Chair/supervisor, Vice-President, Dean, business official, and College President (if applicable). The employee will typically be reimbursed for all costs associated with the travel up to college approved limits. The Travel Expense Voucher must be prepared and presented upon return from an approved trip in order to received reimbursement for travel expenditures. Several employees attending the same conference/meeting should travel together in order to maximize budget efficiency. Requests for exceptions to this procedure must be fully justified and approved prior to the travel taking place by the appropriate Vice-President.
The college reimburses an employee mileage for approved travel using their personal vehicle. If the employee utilizes a college vehicle a cost of mileage will be charged to the departmental budget. Mileage reimbursement for college travel will be a flexible rate established at .05 below the published state approved mileage reimbursement rate. The Business office will post notification of any Vernon College rate change based on published state approved rate changes when they occur. The college will reimburse an employee the cost of coach/economy airfare. Any upgrade fees, advance boarding fees, etc. will not be reimbursed. The college will reimburse an employee for the actual cost of a hotel room. The most reasonable room rate should be requested for all overnight stay. A receipt is required before reimbursement will be made. An employee is required to present a tax exempt form to the hotel and be prepared to pay only the appropriate taxes.
Meal reimbursement:
1. Travel that requires overnight stay
• $46.00 daily total (US General Services Administration standard rate)
• (including travel days) to be used as needed and documented with receipts. Gratuities are not reimbursable expenses from Federal or State Grant Funds. Any eligible gratuities will be paid from local funds. All requests for meal reimbursements must be accompanied by an itemized meal receipt. Credit card receipts are not a valid itemized receipt. Repeated failure to provide an itemized receipt may result in denial of the reimbursement request for those charges. Vernon College will not pay for any alcoholic item. Any expense incurred for taxi services, parking, tolls, or registration fees must be presented for reimbursement along with the receipt received for the service. Original receipts must accompany the Travel Expense Voucher. If the College Visa or Mastercard is used, copies of receipts must accompany the College Visa or Mastercard purchase requisition. The Travel Expense Voucher should be prepared and submitted for approval within ten days after returning from the approved travel. Travel Expense vouchers not submitted within one month of travel will not be reimbursed without approval from the College President.
If the college bus is utilized, the employee requesting the bus must do so through the office of the Director of Physical Plant. The bus will be charged to the user at the rate of $0.65 per mile. A driver will be provided. The cost of the driver must be calculated in the cost of the travel to the department. Employees utilizing Federal or State grants for travel will follow these policies:
2. Employees must get approval for travel and it must be necessary to the Federal or State award.
3. Employee utilizing Federal or State grants for travel will follow the U.S. General Services Administration guidelines for hotel costs. Any overages will be covered by local funds or applicable administrative funds provided by grant.
4. Gratuities are not reimbursable expenses from Federal or State grant funds. Any eligible gratuities will be paid from local funds.
5. Meal allowances will follow Vernon College guidelines as previously stated or the guidelines set forth by the Federal or State grant funds, whichever is less.
6. Mileage and airfare will be reimbursed per Vernon College guidelines as previously stated or the guidelines set forth by the Federal or State grant funds, whichever is less.