College Vehicles

College-owned vehicles are available for authorized institutional travel. These vehicles are under the jurisdiction of the Vice-President of Administrative Services or her designees. Costs for use of college vehicles must be paid by the user department or office at approved rates. Priorities for use of college vehicles will be made by the Vice-President of Administrative Services or his/her designee in consultation with the VPs/Deans of the employees requesting vehicles. User/reimbursement rates and vehicle assignment guidelines are detailed below:

  1. Rate charges to user departments are as follows: $.05 less than the published State mileage reimbursement rate per mile for the minivans/ sedans/farm vehicles, and $0.65 per mile for buses.

Only college employees (full-time and part-time), trustees, and other persons specifically approved by the Vice-President of Administrative Services or the College President may drive a college vehicle. For persons other than college employees to drive a vehicle, they must be specifically approved by the Vice-President of Administrative Services or her designee, and the person’s name, driver’s license number, and other information must be submitted to the insurance carrier prior to the travel taking place.

For routine, professional development, or other travel, college vehicles may be assigned, if available.

  1. Faculty professional development travel requests should include the signature of the Vice-President of Instructional Services.
  2. If a college vehicle is requested but not available, the employee will be asked to drive his/her own vehicle and it will be noted in the auto assigned section (documented by the Business office).
  3. College vehicles should be picked up not earlier than one hour prior to departure and returned to the campus not later than one hour after returning to the site where the vehicle is housed.
  4. Before vehicles are returned, they should be filled with gas, and all trash and personal belongings should be removed.
  5. When using college vehicles, keys, credit cards, and a vehicle request form should be picked up from the Business office (Vernon or Wichita Falls) and returned as soon as possible after returning.

Each year, the college will establish a budget for repair of vehicles in the college fleet. In most instances, repairs will be done off-campus.