Fair Labor Standards Act

All faculty and administrative personnel meeting the F.L.S.A. criteria will be classified exempt. All classified, at-will, hourly, and those administrative personnel not meeting the F.L.S.A. will be classified as non-exempt.

EXEMPT: Exempt employees shall be compensated on a salary basis for their employment period and are not entitled to overtime compensation.

NONEXEMPT: Nonexempt employees may be compensated on an hourly basis or on a salary basis. Employees who are paid on an hourly basis shall be compensated for all hours worked. Employees who are paid on a salary basis are paid for a 40-hour workweek and do not earn additional compensation unless the employee works more than their regular hours. A nonexempt employee shall have the approval of his or her supervisor before working overtime. An employee who works overtime without prior approval is subject to discipline but shall be compensated in accordance with the FLSA.

COMPENSATORY TIME:  Nonexempt employees will receive compensatory time off, rather than overtime pay, for overtime work. Time over the college’s posted scheduled work hours up to 40 hours will be compensated at an hour for hour rate. Time over 40 hours will be compensated at a time and a half rate. Compensatory time earned by nonexempt employees may not accrue beyond a maximum of 60 hours. If an employee has a balance of more than 60 hours of overtime, the employee shall be required to use compensatory time or, at the College District’s option, shall receive overtime pay. An employee shall use compensatory time within the duty fiscal year in which it is earned and may be required to use compensatory time before any use of accrued vacation time.  If an employee has any unused compensatory time remaining at the end of a fiscal year they will lose that time. , the employee may receive overtime pay. Compensatory time may be used at either the employee’s or the College District’s option. An employee may use compensatory time in accordance with the College District’s leave policies and if such use does not unduly disrupt the operations of the College District. The College District may require an employee to use compensatory time when in the best interest of the College District.

Compensatory time will be managed through the Vernon College Employee Portal.