Library Services

The library supports the institutional purpose of Vernon College by providing a comprehensive and quality collection of print and electronic resources serving the informational needs of all students, faculty, and staff.

Print and E-book Collections: Students may search the library’s online catalog for e-books and print titles housed within the Vernon College Library System. The catalog is accessible via a link posted on the library homepage. E-books may be conveniently accessed and downloaded directly from the catalog. Print collections are maintained on the Vernon campus and at all major center locations with over 26,000 volumes housed at the Wright Library in Vernon. Collections include reference materials as well as general circulating titles supporting all academic areas. Distance learners and students attending other VC locations may request and obtain books from any instructional location via the Interlibrary Loan Request Form accessible from the library homepage at Students may also submit an interlibrary loan request to obtain books and other materials unavailable within the Vernon College Library System.

On-Campus and Remote Access to Online Databases: Remote research options are essential in meeting the informational needs of all Vernon College students, including onsite and distance learners. The library provides on-campus as well as remote access to a quality selection of databases offering full text access to journals, reference materials, career resources and other information sources. Databases are accessible via the “Access to Articles” link posted on the library homepage. Researchers may log-in with a VC student ID number and “PIN” from any Internet connection to search the databases remotely.

Tex-Share Card Program: A TexShare Card entitles the holder to full borrowing privileges and services offered by participating academic and public libraries throughout Texas including the Moffett Library at Midwestern State University. Students may request a card at any Vernon College library location.

Additional Services: The library also offers online access to library assistance via email and live chat, wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi), and group study rooms at library locations in Vernon and at Century City. Computer workstations at all locations facilitate electronic research, word processing, and other software applications.