Physical Attack on the College Community
Bomb/Terroristic Threat
General information:
The fire alarm will sound to start evacuation procedures if a bomb/terroristic threat is received by college personnel.
Exit the building at the nearest marked exit and assemble where Campus Police, local law enforcement, and appropriate College personnel direct you. Do not reenter a building until an all clear is given by the Campus Police.
If you as a student receive a bomb/terroristic threat (verbal, phone, email) report it immediately to Campus Police, your instructor, or any College personnel.
Active Shooter or Other Assailant
General information:
All college campuses must consider a possibility of an “active shooter”; that is, an armed person who may use deadly physical force on other persons in a continued attack. Planning for such an incident will be the best chance for surviving an active shooter or assailant incident. Be prepared by knowing your escape routes and how you will respond. Call 911 as quickly as possible and warn others as soon as it is safe to do so.