Grades and Grade Points

VC uses the standard alphabetical system to record grades and uses the four-point system for grade point evaluation. To illustrate, a student achieving an excellent rating in a three credit hour course will be awarded an A and four grade points per credit hour, a total of twelve grade points. The grading system is as shown below:

Grade Grade Point Value
A – Excellent 4 Points Per Credit Hour
B - Above Average 3 Points Per Credit Hour
C – Average 2 Points Per Credit Hour
D – Passed 1 Point Per Credit Hour
F – Failed (Computed in GPA)
I – Incomplete (Not computed in G.P.A.)2
W - Withdrew Passing (Not computed in G.P.A.)
 WC- Withdrew Covid-19 (Not computed in G.P.A.)
WF - Withdrew Failing (Computed in G.P.A.)
AU – Audit (Not computed in G.P.A.)3
P - Pass-Pass/Fail Grading (Not computed in G.P.A.)4
U - Fail-Pass/Fail Grading (Not computed in G.P.A.)4
CP – Complete (Not Computed in GPA) Non-Credit Course
NC – Non-Complete (Not Computed in GPA) Non-Credit Course

At the end of each regular enrollment period, permanent grades are reported, posted to each student’s permanent record, and accessed on the College web site through Campus Connect with use of the student PIN. Grades and transcripts are not released if the student has a hold on his/her records.

2Grade Changes for Incomplete
The grade of I, which denotes an incomplete, may be given when an instructor believes that a student has a justifiable reason for not completing a course, for example, an illness resulting in the failure to complete the required course work. If an I is given by an instructor, the student must contact the instructor and make arrangements to complete the required work within 60 days from the date the I was earned. Upon completion of the work, the grade of I is changed to a permanent grade. If the required work is not completed prior to the end of the 60-day time period, the I is changed to an F.

AUDIT means to attend a course without working for or expecting to receive formal credit. Audit status declaration is accepted at the time of registration through the official census day for that semester. Admission requirements and tuition and fees are the same for auditing as for enrolling in credit classes and receiving a regular letter grade.

4Pass/Fail Grading
College Level Courses approved for pass/fail grading may be used to satisfy requirements for a certificate or degree.  Courses taken through the pass/fail system will not be used in computing the VC grade point average regardless of the grade received.  Individual student requests for the pass/fail option must be made to the Office of Admissions and Records during registration and no later than the last day of registration and/or change of schedule, whichever is later. Individual student requests for the pass/fail grading option may not be canceled after the last day to change schedules.