Procedures in Student Disciplinary Matters
In the interest of maintaining order and guaranteeing the broadest range of freedom to each member of the College community, standards of conduct have been adopted by the College. These standards limit some activities and prohibit behavior which is harmful to the orderly operation of the institution. All students are responsible for being informed of prohibited conduct as it is printed in this publication.
Due Process
Students who allegedly violate provisions of this code are entitled to fair and equitable proceedings under this code. The focus of inquiry in disciplinary proceedings shall be the guilt or innocence of those accused of violating disciplinary regulations.
Disciplinary Sanctions
Under the direction of the President, the sole responsibility for the administration of student discipline is the Vice President of Student Services (or designee). Sanctions that may be imposed include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Warning
- Disciplinary probation
- Withholding of transcript or degree
- Restitution
- Suspension of rights or privileges
- Suspension of eligibility from official college activities
- Suspension from the College
- Expulsion from the College
The following definitions apply to the sanctions listed above:
- “Warning” means a written or verbal reprimand from the Dean of Student Services.
- “Disciplinary probation” means further violations may result in suspension. Disciplinary probation may be imposed for any length of time up to one calendar year. The student shall be automatically removed from probation when the imposed period expires.
- “Withholding of transcript or degree” means a hold may be placed upon a student’s academic files until all debts owed to the College have been paid or for other reasons deemed necessary by the College.
- “Restitution” means reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages.
- “Suspension of rights or privileges” means that limitations or restrictions may be imposed to fit the particular case.
- “Suspension of eligibility from official college activities” means that the student is prohibited, during the period of suspension, from participating in an official extracurricular activity, including athletics. Such suspension may be imposed for any length of time up to one calendar year.
- “Suspension from the college” means that during the period of suspension, the student may not be initiated into an honorary or service organization, enter the college campus except in response to an official summons, or register either for credit or non-credit scholastic work at or through the college.
- “Expulsion from the college” means a permanent severance from the college.
Administration of Student Discipline
The Vice President of Student Services (or designee) has primary authority and responsibility for the administration of student discipline at the College. It is his or a designated staff member’s duty to investigate allegations that a student has violated the Code of Student Conduct.
Complaints for alleged violations of the code may be filed against any student by any member of the College community. The complaint, addressed to the appropriate dean, should be a brief, written statement citing the provisions of the code allegedly violated and providing a summary of the facts surrounding the incident.
Preliminary Procedures
Upon investigation and before initiating disciplinary procedures, the Vice President of Student Services or an appropriate staff designate will give the student the opportunity to present their personal version of the incident or occurrence. The Vice President of Student Services or an appropriate staff designate may discuss, consult, and advise with any student whose conduct is called into question. Students shall attend such consultations as requested.
Informal Disposition
Upon completion of preliminary proceedings, the Vice President of Student Services may:
- Dismiss the allegation as unfounded; or
- Make the determination that the charges are founded and impose disciplinary sanction.
If the student accepts the disposition of the Vice President of Student Services, the student shall sign a statement that he/she understands the charges and the penalty or penalties being imposed. The signed statement waives his/her right to formal disposition and appeal.
If the student disputes the facts upon which the charges are based or disputes the sanctions of the Vice President of Student Services, then the procedures for “formal disposition” will apply.
Interim Disciplinary Action
The Vice President of Student Services, after consulting with the President of the College, may suspend a student for an interim period, pending formal disposition proceedings when there is evidence that the continued presence of the student on College premises poses a substantial threat to the student, to others, or to the stability and continuance of normal college functions.
Formal Disposition
Formal disposition procedures are initiated by the Vice President of Student Services. The Vice President of Student Services will prepare a written summons with a statement of allegations including documentary evidence supporting the allegation. Hearing procedures together with possible sanctions will also be included. The letter will be sent by mail, addressed to the student at his or her last known address as it appears in the records of the Registrar’s Office or shall be delivered personally to the student. Failure by the student to have a current correct local address on record with the College will not be construed to invalidate such notice. The letter will direct a student to appear at a specific time and place not less than five (5) class days after the date of the letter. The Vice President of Student Services has the authority to apply sanctions against the student if the student fails, without good cause, to comply with the letter of summons.
Upon completion of the discussion with the Vice President of Student Services concerning allegations and sanctions, and unless the student opts to revert to informal disposition, the student is entitled to a hearing before the student appeals committee. A written request for review, containing the reasons why such review is being requested must be submitted to the chairperson of the student appeals committee within five (5) class days from the meeting with the Vice President of Student Services. Rules of procedure governing the student appeals committee are outlined under the student grievance procedure.