RNSG 1110 Introduction to Community-Based Nursing
Overview of the delivery of nursing care in a variety of community-based settings to promote health; application of systematic problem-solving processes and critical thinking skills, focusing on the examination of concepts and theories relevant to community-based nursing; and development of judgment, skill, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. Program Fee: $50.00; Assessment Fee: $90.00; Hurst Review/Elevate Fee $400.00
RNSG 1105,
RNSG 1115,
RNSG 1166,
RNSG 1146,
RNSG 1301,
RNSG 1309,
RNSG 1441,
RNSG 1263,
RNSG 1443,
RNSG 2162,
RNSG 2260 OR
RNSG 1115,
RNSG 1146,
RNSG 1301,
RNSG 1327,
RNSG 1443,
RNSG 2162,
RNSG 2260
Course Category
Career and Technical Education