Music - Applied
Individual instruction in voice or brass, percussion, woodwind, stringed, or keyboard instruments. One-half hour private lesson per week and two hours outside practice per week are awarded one semester hour credit; one hour or two half hour private lessons per week and four hours outside practice per week are awarded two semester hours of credit. Courses may be repeated for credit. Fee for one semester hour of credit - Special Fee: $162.00. Fee for two semester hours of credit - Special Fee $302.00.
Freshman Level: MUAP 1161 and MUAP 1261 Guitar; MUAP 1169 and MUAP 1269 Piano; MUAP 1181 and 1281 Voice. Sophomore Level: MUAP 2161 and MUAP 2261 Guitar; MUAP 2169 and MUAP 2269 Piano; MUAP 2181 and MUAP 2281 Voice. Other applied music courses may be taught depending on requests and instructor availability.