
The office of Institutional Advancement is responsible for overseeing and coordinating all private philanthropy fundraising for Vernon College. This includes the identification, solicitation and assignment/tracking of all individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations. When a Vernon College employee is planning to cultivate and/or solicit an individual, corporation, foundation or organization it is their responsibility to contact the office of Institutional Advancement in advance to ensure that the prospect is not already assigned to another part of the college. This will facilitate the private philanthropy coordination process.

Depending on the type of fundraising, the activity must be approved through one of four different offices including the offices of the President, the Vice-President of Instructional Services, Student Services, or Institutional Advancement. When a fundraising activity or event is approved, a duplicate of the approval form is sent to the office of Institutional Advancement so that one location will have a record of all fundraising as a time-saving factor for anyone wishing to check timing and duplication before approving an activity. If a fundraising event is held on Vernon College property, a Vernon College Facility Use form must be completed and filed with the Director of the Physical Plant. All fundraising shall relate to the college’s mission statement and is included in the college’s planning and evaluation process through the appropriate office.

Employee or employee groups who wish to raise funds and all off-campus fund-raising must be approved in advance through the office of the President.

All faculty or faculty group fundraising projects must be approved by the Vice-President of Instructional Services before initiating such projects. All students’ class fundraising projects (excluding approved clubs) must receive approval from the Vice-President of Instructional Services before initiating such projects. Upon approval, a “Student Fundraising Approval” form, which can be found in the office of the Vice-President of Student Services, must be completed and filed in that office. At the conclusion of the project, a report should be forwarded to the Vice-President of Instructional Services concerning the success of the project and be included in the division’s planning and evaluation process.

All student organizational fundraising activities must be approved through the office of the Vice-President of Student Services in advance. Student organizations may gain this approval by submitting the appropriate form which is available in the Student Services office.

All fundraising by the Vernon College Foundation, Inc. must be approved by the Foundation Board of Directors, which is governed by bylaws created in accordance with Vernon College’s Mission Statement and approved by the Vernon College Board. The chairman of the college’s Board is an ex-officio voting member of the Foundation Board of Directors. All aspects of Foundation fundraising is incorporated into the college’s annual planning and evaluation document by the Director of Institutional Advancement. The Foundation has an annual independent audit.