Student Records
Custodians of Records: The Vice-President of Student Services is custodian of all records for currently enrolled students and for all official academic records. The Vice-President of Instructional Services is custodian of academic status records. The Vice-President of Student Services is custodian of advising, disciplinary, and placement records. The Vice-President of Administrative Services is custodian of all financial records.
Types and Locations (of Records): Each record custodian shall be responsible for the education records of the College District. This responsibility includes maintaining the security (access), confidentiality, and integrity of student records regardless of campus or center location. These records may include:
- Admissions data, personal and family data. (registrar office)
- Standardized test data, including intelligence, aptitude, interest, personality, and social adjustment ratings. (Registrar and Vice-President of Student Services offices)
- All achievement records, as determined by tests, recorded grades, and teacher evaluations. (Vice-President of Student Services office)
- Attendance record. (Vice-President of Student Services office)
- Records of faculty, counselors, or administrative conferences with the student or pertaining to the student. (Vice-President of Student Services offices)
- Disciplinary records, including scholastic disciplinary actions. (Vice-President of Student Services office)
- Copies of correspondence with parents and others concerned with the student. (Registrar office)
- Records transferred from secondary schools and other post-secondary institutions in which the student has been enrolled. (Registrar office)
- Records pertaining to participation in student activities including academic awards or recognition by the College District. (Registrar office)
- Information relating to student participation in special programs. (Registrar office)
- Records of tuition and fees paid and outstanding. (Business office)
- Access by Parents: The College District may disclose educational records to a student’s parent with the student’s written consent.Other records that may contribute to understanding of the student. (Registrar and Vice-President of Student Services offices)
- Financial aid records. (Financial Aid office)
- Job placement records. (Vice-President of Student Services office)
- Scholarships or other financial awards. (Financial Aid office)
Request Procedures: The comprehensive record shall be made available to the student. Records may be reviewed during regular school hours upon written request to the record custodian. The record custodian or designee shall be present to explain the record and to answer questions. The confidential nature of the student’s records shall be maintained at all times, and the records shall be restricted to use only in the College President, Vice-President's or counselor’s office, or other restricted area designated by the record custodian. The original copy of the record any document contained in the comprehensive record shall not be removed from the school.
Directory Information: Directory information shall be released to any individual or organization that files a written request with the College President or designee. The College District shall give public notice of the categories of information designated as directory information and of the period of time after such notice for a student to inform the College District that any or all of the directory information should not be released without prior consent.
Access by School Officials: For the purposes of this policy, “school officials” shall mean any employees, trustees, or agents of the College District, as well as attorneys, consultants, and independent contractors who are retained by the College District. “School officials” have a “legitimate educational interest” in a student’s records when they are working with the student; considering disciplinary or academic actions or the student’s case; compiling statistical data; or investigating or evaluating programs.
Access by Parents: The College District may disclose educational records to a student’s parent with the student’s written consent.
Disaster Management of Student Records: In the event of a disaster that results in the loss of the College’s hardware (computer server) which processes and contains student records, the College’s software provider offers a service for restoring all software applications and data in their office (located in Tulsa, Oklahoma) within 1 business day at a contracted price. It is the College’s plan to utilize this service should a disaster necessitate action.