
Full-time employees in positions requiring 12 months of service shall be eligible for vacation benefits. An employee of twelve months with less than 15 years of continuous employment can earn up to 80 hours per fiscal year. As of September 1, 2007, employees on 12 month contracts with 15 or more years of employment can earn up to 120 hours per fiscal year. The earned vacation hours are posted to the employee’s record on the first working day of each month following the accrual month. The total vacation time for any employee may not exceed 160 hours. No employee will be permitted to take vacation time until they have continuous employment with the college for 6 months, emergency exceptions require College President approval. Vacation must be earned before it can be used. See Policy Manual, DEC Local.

Limited, full-time employees who work less than 8 hours per day earn vacation as follows: 50% time can earn up to 40 hours per fiscal year; 75% employees can earn up to 60 hours per fiscal year.

Full-time, 12-month employees absent from an assigned job for an entire day will submit a Leave Request for 8 hours of vacation leave during the Fall and Spring semester. This is prorated for less than full-time employees based on the percentage of vacation time awarded each month. Leave taken during summer months will be based on an 10 hour work day.

Twelve-month faculty members are encouraged to use their earned vacation days during days or semester breaks when assigned classes do not meet. Twelve-month faculty will be permitted to take vacation leave when classes are in session provided prior written approval is obtained from the supervisor and the Vice-President of Instructional Services. Prior arrangements must be made and approved to ensure assigned classes are adequately covered. Vacation leave time will be charged to the employee.

Non-teaching days (days when classes are not in session) for twelve-month faculty will be considered administrative days and faculty will be expected to take leave time for a full work day. (See examples below)

Vacation payout for internally transferred employees will be paid out at the time of transfer if the employee moves from a position that accrues vacation to a non-accruing position.

Example: Administrative twelve month employee who accrues vacation transfers to a non-accruing faculty position will be paid the balance of accrued hours at the time transfer.

Any day in which an employee is required to be on campus will be considered as a full work day for purposes of accruing or taking vacation or sick leave.

Example 1: On a day when the college closes at noon as part of the regular schedule of hours of operation, an absent employee will be charged for a full day of leave.

Example 2: A 12-month employee who fails to report to work or who seeks to be absent from work will be charged for a full day of vacation regardless whether the employee is required to be on duty a full day or only a portion of the day.

Example 3: A faculty member who is absent from campus during scheduled classes and/or scheduled office hours is required to take leave time (vacation/sick/personal) for a full work day.

Vacation leave will not be approved for use during official functions of the college that college employees are expected to attend (Graduation, Honors Convocation, Sports Day, Registration, Staff Development Activities, and other official activities designated in the college calendar) except with the written permission of the President.

Vacation leave may be taken only after a Time Off Request has been properly submitted by the employee and approved by his/her supervisor. If unauthorized leave is taken, the employee’s payroll may be reduced according to time off and he/she may also be subject to possible disciplinary action or, depending on the severity of the absence, termination of employment. Employees are not permitted to take vacation at their discretion. Rather, vacation time is subject to the approval of the supervisor or VP/Dean.

Current vacation policies were updated by the local Board.

UNUSED VACATION TIME: When an employment status is terminated at the college due to resignation, retirement, etc., it will be the prerogative of the college officials to determine whether any unused vacation will be used prior to the last day the employee is on the payroll or whether such unused vacation time will be paid by the college in a lump sum after the last day on the payroll. Vacation can only be used by the employee or paid by the college if the employee has completed their new employee probation period.