Developmental Education
Students come to Vernon College from a variety of backgrounds and locations; however, all students are required to do college-level work. Vernon College designs and offers developmental courses to help students achieve college readiness in mathematics, reading, and writing. College readiness is a term designated by the state of Texas to indicate a student’s ability to successfully enroll and progress in first year college level academic courses. Students may be required to take one or more of the following developmental courses(s) to meet the published, state-wide Texas Success Initiative (TSI) college readiness standards:
• MATH 0313 Developing Algebra I Skills
• MATH 0013 Developing Algebra Skills Lab
• MATH 0314 Developing Algebra II Skills
• ENGL 0305 Integrated Reading and Writing I
• ENGL 0306 Integrated Reading and Writing II
• ACRW 0210 Academic Reading and Writing
Developmental Education students who have tested into more than one developmental course are required to concurrently enroll in EDUC 1100 or PSYC 1100.
Vernon College participates in the Math Pathways for College Readiness by offering two distinct paths for Math Preparation. A student who chooses the Non Algebra Pathway will be prepared for Contemporary Math (1332) and Statistics (Math 1342) and receive a designation of TSI Non Algebra. Further developmental coursework will be required for enrollment in College Algebra.
For additional information regarding placement, please refer to the Student Services Counseling office.
Developmental courses may be repeated until TSI requirements are met. Vernon College does not receive state funding for developmental coursework taken by a student in excess of eighteen (18) semester credit hours; therefore, a fee of $75.00 per semester credit hour will be added to the cost of the developmental course work in excess of 18 semester credit hours.
Developmental course grades will be posted on the student’s Vernon College transcript but are not designed to transfer to another college or university. Successful completion of developmental courses will satisfy TSI requirements but will not count toward meeting graduation or residency requirements.