Associate of Arts in Teaching Leading to Initial Texas Teacher Certification EC-6^

CIP 13.121000

  1. Complete the Core Curriculum requirements and a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours.
  2. Satisfactorily complete at least twenty-five (25%) percent of credit hours for the degree in residence at Vernon College.
  3. Satisfactorily complete at least twelve (12) hours of sophomore-level courses.
  4. Satisfactorily complete the following courses:

Mathematics, 3 semester hours

MATH 1314College Algebra


Communications, 6 semester hours

ENGL 1301Composition I


SPCH 1315Public Speaking


Life and Physical Sciences, 8 semester hours

BIOL 1409General Biology II


PHYS 1415Physical Science I


Language, Philosophy, and Culture, 3 semester hours

ENGL 2322British Literature I



ENGL 2323British Literature II


Creative Arts, 3 semester hours

DRAM 1310Theater Appreciation


American History, 6 semester hours

HIST 1301United States History I


HIST 1302United States History II


Government/Political Science, 6 semester hours

GOVT 2305Federal Government (Federal Constitution and Topics)


GOVT 2306Texas Government (Texas Constitution and Topics)


Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3 semester hours

ECON 2301Principles of Macroeconomics


Foundation Component Area Option, 4 semester hours

EDUC 1100Learning Framework


ENGL 1302Composition II


Math Beyond Core for Education Majors, 6 semester hours

MATH 1350Mathematics for Teachers I


MATH 1351Mathematics for Teachers II


Field Experience Education Courses, 6 semester hours

EDUC 1301Introduction to the Teaching Profession


EDUC 2301Introduction to Special Populations


Electives, 6 semester hours

Electives (2)


Total Credit Hours: 60

EC-Grade 6 Certification (areas): EC-6 Generalist, EC-6 Bilingual Generalist, EC-6 ESL, Generalist, EC-6 other content area teaching fields/academic disciplines/interdisciplinary TBA

A student cannot use the same course to meet requirements in two areas.

(1) select from Core Curriculum list
(2) select from Pathway / Concentration designated options
Work with advisor to choose proper course(s) for transfer institution 

Students placing at college preparatory levels will have additional courses to complete before taking eligible college-level courses in this sequence, and some courses may have pre-requisites; please check the course descriptions in the VC catalog. The number of courses taken each semester can be adjusted as several core classes are offered during Summer and Mini-mesters; this sequence only takes into account Fall and Spring semesters. Depending on how many credit hours you have already attempted, all courses on this pathway may not be eligible for Financial Aid through VC.
*Consult with your intended transfer university AND an advisor at VC to determine which courses would satisfy both elective and core requirements for your major, and how many credit hours beyond the 60 hours required for an AA degree are transferable. Some universities may require 12-14 hours of a Foreign Language for Bachelor of Arts majors, or proven language proficiency through credits earned by CLEP testing.