Maximum Time Frame
Federal regulations specify that the maximum time frame for program completion may not exceed 150 percent (150%) of the published length of the program. Time frame is measured by the number of credit hours attempted. If the student switches degree or certificate programs, Vernon College will not count toward the one hundred fifty (150%) percent maximum time frame the credits attempted in the old major. However, any courses that apply to the new program must be counted. For transfer students, VC will count accepted transfer credits that apply toward the new or current program in the maximum time frame calculation. Students who exceed the one hundred fifty (150%) percent maximum time frame limit will no longer be eligible for financial aid. Developmental classes do not count toward the one hundred fifty (150%) percent maximum time frame. Credits that have been repeated will be counted toward the one hundred fifty (150%) percent maximum time frame. Once it is determined that it is mathematically impossible for the student to complete his/her program within the maximum time frame, the student immediately becomes ineligible for aid.